We're waiting on a part for the hot rod. I guess that's the price we pay for computerizing the heck out of even things so simple as a sewing machine. They make our lives simpler, right? That's what I've heard, but I'm not sure I believe it. Incidentally, I'm also waiting for the truck tire to come in because I have custom wheels so I'm pretty much stuck here with not much to work on...
My apologies for the delay(s).
Since I'm essentially down to the artistic form of thumb-twiddling, I've been puttering with some other projects. Thanks to the miracle of Polymer Clay an artist doesn't require a kiln and a million dollars worth of equipment to experiment in the realm of sculpture. We've spent the last year concentrating on the inside of our new home, and now it comes time to look to the outside of the place.
One of the ideas I had was to do a row of sculpted faces along the front rather akin to gargoyles (though they would technically be called 'Grotesques' since they won't be used to manage the water flow off our roof). We are looking to add a fantasy/storybook touch to our otherwise architecturally unremarkable domicile. I'm of a mind to make them reflective of the seasons, rather akin to the four seasons painted by Mucha. I have a thing for Art Deco and Art Nouveau for some reason. Of course, the would be much more gothic than Mucha, but he was the inspiration.
Here are some pictures of the first study I did in polymer clays...

The final pieces will be sculpted in polymer clay (I use Super-Sculpy) and then cast in mortar or concrete using a silicone mold. My father in law has a lot of experience casting in concrete and I'll be looking to him for help.
In the meantime, my sketchbook is active... in case you were worried that I would never get back to the doublet diary with all these tangents. Just - you know - life getting in the way.

If the hotrod isn't fixed soon, I'll dig out the old (and highly cantankerous) machine or bite the bullet and sew the daggum thing by hand.